WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 03:49.000 Introduction 03:50.000 --> 05:17.000 During WWI 05:18.000 --> 05:57.000 Post WWI 05:58.000 --> 06:50.000 Railway carriages 06:51.000 --> 08:05.000 Floating dock 08:06.000 --> 10:29.000 Transport 10:30.000 --> 11:14.000 Ships being built 11:15.000 --> 12:43.000 Walsh Island 12:44.000 --> 13:45.000 State dockyard 13:46.000 --> 14:50.000 Equipment sell out 14:51.000 --> 16:52.000 Rebuilding the industry 16:53.000 --> 20:21.000 History of the industry 20:22.000 --> 20:59.000 Pressures of WWII 21:00.000 --> 23:49.000 Moving equipment 23:50.000 --> 25:59.000 Staying longer 26:00.000 --> 30:24.000 Post WWII 30:25.000 --> 33:22.000 Upgrading power plants 33:33.000 --> 37:26.000 Linking various sites 37:27.000 --> 41:06.000 Unions 41:07.000 --> 42:44.000 Closure of the dockyard 42:45.000 --> 44:59.000 List of other noble ships 45:00.000 --> 47:25.000 New contracts 47:26.000 --> 50:40.000 Buildings